Syria: Freedom from corruption
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
Syria |
Freedom from corruption index (0-100) |
Latest value | 7 |
Year | 2023 |
Measure | points |
Data availability | 1996 - 2023 |
Average | 20 |
Min - Max | 7 - 34 |
Source | The Heritage Foundation |
The latest value from 2023 is 7 points, a decline from 26 points in 2021. In comparison, the world average is 45 points, based on data from 180 countries. Historically, the average for Syria from 1996 to 2023 is 20 points. The minimum value, 7 points, was reached in 2023 while the maximum of 34 points was recorded in 2005.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
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The Freedom from Corruption index for Syria from the Heritage Foundation uses mostly the data from Transparency International, an NGO that tracks corruption perceptions around the world.
Definition: The score for the Freedom of corruption index is derived primarily from Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index. For countries that are not covered in the CPI the freedom from corruption score is determined by using information from internationally recognized and reliable sources. Higher index values denote lower level of corruption.
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Related indicators | Latest | Reference | Measure |
Property rights | 3 | 2023 | points |
Freedom from corruption | 7 | 2023 | points |
Fiscal freedom | 86 | 2013 | points |
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Monetary freedom | 60.60 | 2021 | points |
Trade freedom | 47 | 2021 | points |
Investment freedom | 0 | 2021 | points |
Financial freedom | 20 | 2016 | points |
Economic freedom, overall index | 51 | 2012 | index points |