About TheGlobalEconomy.com

TheGlobalEconomy.com serves researchers, academics, investors, and others who need reliable economic data on foreign countries. Our data set includes over 500 indicators for over 200 countries spanning the period from 1960 to now. The sources include central banks, national statistical institutes, and multiple international organizations: sources and methods.

We select, compile, collate, document, and update the series and make them available for download with just a few clicks. The objective is to save time and effort on data management.

The website also offers various educational resources about the global economy. Users can explore global rankings for over 500 indicators with an explanation of the factors driving the differences across countries (see labor productivity as an example). Our comparator can be used to track trends across over time. The global economy guide, glossary, and directory explain key concepts and relationships in the global economy.

The site started in 2012 as an extension of The Global Economy class that Neven developed at Georgia State University in Atlanta (syllabus). Over time, the data base grew to serve various research interests and we are now proud to have a very large number of users from virtually every country.

Team leadership

Neven Valev is a Ph.D. economist with a doctorate from Purdue University and over 10 years professional experience on the economics faculty of the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies in Atlanta, GA. Neven specializes in international finance and the role of finance for economic development. Over the years he has taught classes on macroeconomics and international economics to undergraduate, Master’s, MBA, and Ph.D. students and has participated as a chair or a member of the dissertation committees of more than 40 graduate students. More information about Neven can be found at his Google Scholar page and LinkedIn.

Franziska Bieri has a Ph.D. in sociology from Emory University. She specializes in globalization and the role of the non-profit sector in resolving international social issues. Franziska has published a number of academic articles and a widely read book on the Kimberley Process regulating the global diamond trade. She is on the faculty of the Ph.D. Global Leadership program at Indiana Tech teaching research methodology classes and advising doctoral students. More information about Franziska can be found at Indiana Tech and her personal site.

Menna Bizuneh holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Georgia State University. Her research focuses on the European Monetary Union, economic integration in Africa, and the choice between various exchange rate regimes. Menna is an Associate Professor of Economics at Pitzer College in California and teaches classes on international economics, macroeconomics, and economic development. More information about Menna can be found here.

Examples of research papers citing our data base

Citations in academic research

Applied Intelligence: Cluster-based stability evaluation in time series data sets

Journal of Organizations Design: Corporate Headquarters in the Twenty-first Century

American Journal of Human Biology: SARS-CoV-2 infection in India bucks the trend

AUC Working Paper: National Cultures and Stock Prices

Denny Center at Georgetown: the Health of Democratic Capitalism

Environmental Science and Pollution Research: Validation of the environmental Kuznets curve

Inter American Behavioral Scientist: Alternative Action Organizations

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Determining Containment Policy Impacts on Public Sentiment

Social Psychological and Personality Science: Evidence for Cultural Variability

Heliyon: The Effect of Taxation on Sustainable Development Goals

Globalization and Health: Multiple Disparities in Adult Mortality

BMC Public Health: COVID-19 in a Conflict Region

East Asia: Why Is the Political Regime of North Korea Tough?

Frontiers of Engineering Management: Security of Solar Radiation Management

Economic Development in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Saudi Arabia's Economy

Politics & Policy: Citizen Responses to the European Economic Crisis

Citations in official institutions reports

World Trade Organization: Accession of Less Developed Countries into the WTO

United Nations: Report on Crisis Response Processes in LDCs

ASEAN: Economic Integration Brief

International Labor Organization: The Social Construction of Migrant Care Work

Asian Development Bank: Road Quality

U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Improving U.S. Competitiveness

Inter American Development Bank: Economic Growth and the Middle Class

German Agency for Business and Economic Development: Country Analysis

World Meteorological Organization: Effectiveness of Regional and Representative Offices

Deutscher Bundestag: Cobalt Mining in D.R. Congo and the Role of China

Inclusion in university library resources

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