Hong Kong: Inflation

* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
 Hong Kong

Inflation: percent change in the Consumer Price Index

 Latest value 2.1
 Year 2023
 Measure percent
 Data availability 1982 - 2023
 Average 4.0
 Min - Max -4.0 - 11.2
 Source The World Bank
The latest value from 2023 is 2.1 percent, an increase from 1.9 percent in 2022. In comparison, the world average is 9.9 percent, based on data from 160 countries. Historically, the average for Hong Kong from 1982 to 2023 is 4 percent. The minimum value, -4 percent, was reached in 1999 while the maximum of 11.2 percent was recorded in 1991. See the global rankings for that indicator or use the country comparator to compare trends over time.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Recent data
Hong Kong - Inflation - Recent values chart

Historical series
Hong Kong - Inflation - historical chart - 1982-2023

Inflation in Hong Kong and other countries is usually calculated as the percent change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from one year to the next. The CPI represents the prices paid by the average urban consumer in each respective country. Inflation can also be calculated with other price indexes such as the Produce Price Index or the so-called GDP deflator.

Most countries try to keep inflation somewhere around 2-3 percent per year. That is too low to cause any problems for the businesses and households. At the same time, it is comfortably away from negative inflation, i.e. from deflation. Of course, this target is often missed.
Definition: Inflation as measured by the consumer price index reflects the annual percentage change in the cost to the average consumer of acquiring a basket of goods and services that may be fixed or changed at specified intervals, such as yearly. The Laspeyres formula is generally used.

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