Iran: Household consumption

* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
The most recent value is 4297473.36 billion Iranian Rial as of Q3 2020, an increase compared to the previous value of 3665863.46 billion Iranian Rial. Historically, the average for Iran from Q2 2001 to Q3 2020 is 1087467.35 billion Iranian Rial. The minimum of 73129 billion Iranian Rial was recorded in Q2 2001, while the maximum of 4297473.36 billion Iranian Rial was reached in Q3 2020. Click on the following link to see the values of: Household consumption around the world.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

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Recent values Iran: Household consumption, billion currency units
2020  Q3 4297473.36
2020  Q2 3665863.46
2020  Q1 3661874.69
2019  Q4 3353385.51
2019  Q3 3449852.49
2019  Q2 3091836.27
2019  Q1 3169037.55
2018  Q4 2779193.44

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Definition: The market value of all goods and services, including durable products, purchased by households.

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 Household consumption, percent of GDP 50.30 2023 percent
 Household consumption, in dollars 203.51 2023 billion U.S. dollars
 Household consumption 4,297,473.36 Q3/2020 billion
 Consumption as percent of GDP 37.23 Q3/2020 percent
 Consumption growth 24.57 Q3/2020 percent
 Investment 3,094,524.51 Q3/2020 billion
 Investment as percent of GDP 26.81 Q3/2020 percent
 Investment growth 55.02 Q3/2020 percent
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