Belarus: Economic globalization

* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Economic globalization index (0-100)

 Latest value 60.47
 Year 2022
 Measure points
 Data availability 1991 - 2022
 Average 49.91
 Min - Max 26.58 - 63.77
 Source The Swiss Institute of Technology in Zurich
The latest value from 2022 is 60.47 points, a decline from 63 points in 2021. In comparison, the world average is 59.16 points, based on data from 184 countries. Historically, the average for Belarus from 1991 to 2022 is 49.91 points. The minimum value, 26.58 points, was reached in 1992 while the maximum of 63.77 points was recorded in 2016. See the global rankings for that indicator or use the country comparator to compare trends over time.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Recent data
Belarus - Economic globalization - Recent values chart

Historical series
Belarus - Economic globalization - historical chart - 1991-2022

The KOF Economic Globalization Index for Belarus and other countries has two dimensions. First, it measures the economic flows between Belarus and the rest of the world in terms of international trade and international investment. The question is whether Belarus exchanges a lot of goods, services, and investments with other countries. Second, it measures the restrictions to trade and investment such as tariffs and capital controls on international investment. Each dimension is based on several variables that are combined in one overall index that ranges from 0 to 100.
Definition: Economic globalization has two dimensions: actual economic flows and restrictions to trade and capital. The sub-index on actual economic flows includes data on trade, FDI, and portfolio investment. The sub-index on restrictions takes into account hidden import barriers, mean tariff rates, taxes on international trade (as a share of current revenue), and an index of capital controls. More information and the original data can be obtained here.

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