* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Political stability index (-2.5 weak; 2.5 strong), 2023:

The average for 2023 based on 18 countries was -0.79 points. The highest value was in Qatar: 0.99 points and the lowest value was in Syria: -2.75 points. The indicator is available from 1996 to 2023. Below is a chart for all countries where data are available.

Measure: points; Source: The World Bank
Select indicator
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Countries Political stability, 2023 Global rank Available data
Qatar 0.99 1 1996 - 2023
UA Emirates 0.68 2 1996 - 2023
Oman 0.59 3 1996 - 2023
Kuwait 0.41 4 1996 - 2023
Jordan -0.2 5 1996 - 2023
Saudi Arabia -0.21 6 1996 - 2023
Bahrain -0.37 7 1996 - 2023
Morocco -0.37 8 1996 - 2023
Djibouti -0.52 9 1996 - 2023
Algeria -0.58 10 1996 - 2023
Tunisia -0.63 11 1996 - 2023
Egypt -0.87 12 1996 - 2023
Lebanon -1.52 13 1996 - 2023
Iran -1.69 14 1996 - 2023
Libya -2.17 15 1996 - 2023
Iraq -2.41 16 1996 - 2023
Yemen -2.56 17 1996 - 2023
Syria -2.75 18 1996 - 2023

Definition: The index of Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism measures perceptions of the likelihood that the government will be destabilized or overthrown by unconstitutional or violent means, including politically-motivated violence and terrorism. The index is an average of several other indexes from the Economist Intelligence Unit, the World Economic Forum, and the Political Risk Services, among others.
Construction of the political stability index

The index is a composite measure as it is based on several other indexes from multiple sources including the Economist Intelligence Unit, the World Economic Forum, and the Political Risk Services, among others. The underlying indexes reflect the likelihood of a disorderly transfer of government power, armed conflict, violent demonstrations, social unrest, international tensions, terrorism, as well as ethnic, religious or regional conflicts. The methodology of the overall index is kept consistent so the numbers are comparable over time. You may also want to have a look at the following indicators: rule of law, political rights, and corruption perceptions.

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