* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Quality of roads, 1(low) - 7(high), 2019:

The average for 2019 based on 14 countries was 4.39 points. The highest value was in the United Arab Emirates: 6 points and the lowest value was in Yemen: 2.1 points. The indicator is available from 2006 to 2019. Below is a chart for all countries where data are available.

Measure: points; Source: World Economic Forum
Select indicator
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Countries Roads quality, 2019 Global rank Available data
UA Emirates 6 1 2006 - 2019
Oman 5.7 2 2007 - 2019
Qatar 5.5 3 2006 - 2019
Bahrain 5.2 4 2006 - 2019
Saudi Arabia 5.2 5 2007 - 2019
Egypt 5.1 6 2006 - 2019
Morocco 4.7 7 2006 - 2019
Jordan 4.2 8 2006 - 2019
Algeria 4 9 2006 - 2019
Iran 3.9 10 2010 - 2019
Kuwait 3.7 11 2006 - 2019
Tunisia 3.6 12 2006 - 2019
Lebanon 2.6 13 2010 - 2019
Yemen 2.1 14 2011 - 2019

Definition: The Road quality indicator is one of the components of the Global Competitiveness Index published annually by the World Economic Forum (WEF). It represents an assessment of the quality of roads in a given country based on data from the WEF Executive Opinion Survey, a long-running and extensive survey tapping the opinions of over 14,000 business leaders in 144 countries. The road quality indicator score is based on only one question. The respondents are asked to rate the roads in their country of operation on a scale from 1 (underdeveloped) to 7 (extensive and efficient by international standards). The individual responses are aggregated to produce a country score.

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