* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Jet fuel production, thousand barrels per day, 2014:

The average for 2014 based on 18 countries was 31.34 thousand barrels per day. The highest value was in the United Arab Emirates: 135.01 thousand barrels per day and the lowest value was in Djibouti: 0 thousand barrels per day. The indicator is available from 1980 to 2014. Below is a chart for all countries where data are available.

Measure: thousand barrels per day; Source: The U.S. Energy Information Administration
Select indicator
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Countries Jet fuel production, 2014 Global rank Available data
UA Emirates 135.01 1 1986 - 2014
Saudi Arabia 80.15 2 1986 - 2014
Bahrain 63.18 3 1986 - 2014
Qatar 62.59 4 1986 - 2014
Kuwait 52.97 5 1986 - 2014
Algeria 43.47 6 1986 - 2014
Egypt 37.39 7 1986 - 2014
Iran 26.88 8 1986 - 2014
Morocco 19.68 9 1986 - 2014
Oman 13.4 10 1986 - 2014
Libya 8.02 11 1986 - 2014
Jordan 6.9 12 1986 - 2014
Yemen 6.19 13 1986 - 2014
Iraq 4.67 14 1986 - 2014
Syria 3.54 15 1986 - 2014
Djibouti 0 16 1986 - 2014
Lebanon 0 17 1986 - 2014
Tunisia 0 18 1986 - 2014

Definition: The indicator estimates the volume of jet fuel produced within a country expressed in thousand barrels per day. Jet fuel is a refined petroleum product used in jet aircraft engines and it includes kerosene-type jet fuel and naphtha-type jet fuel.

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