* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Human flight and brain drain index, 0 (low) - 10 (high), 2024:

The average for 2024 based on 12 countries was 4.65 index points. The highest value was in Guyana: 7.9 index points and the lowest value was in Argentina: 2.4 index points. The indicator is available from 2007 to 2024. Below is a chart for all countries where data are available.

Measure: index points; Source: Fund for Peace
Select indicator
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Countries Human flight and brain drain, 2024 Global rank Available data
Guyana 7.9 1 -
Venezuela 6.4 2 -
Peru 5.7 3 -
Suriname 5.6 4 -
Bolivia 5.3 5 -
Colombia 4.5 6 -
Paraguay 4.4 7 -
Ecuador 4.3 8 -
Brazil 3.2 9 -
Uruguay 3.1 10 -
Chile 3 11 -
Argentina 2.4 12 -

Definition: The Human flight and brain drain indicator considers the economic impact of human displacement (for economic or political reasons) and the consequences this may have on a country’s development. The higher the index, the greater the human displacement.

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