* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Bank non-interest income to total income, in percent, 2021:

The average for 2021 based on 12 countries was 41.26 percent. The highest value was in Syria: 91.06 percent and the lowest value was in Qatar: 19.99 percent. The indicator is available from 2000 to 2021. Below is a chart for all countries where data are available.

Measure: percent; Source: Bankscope
Select indicator
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Countries Non-interest income to total income, 2021 Global rank Available data
Syria 91.06 1 2005 - 2021
Iraq 73.99 2 2005 - 2021
Tunisia 48.98 3 2000 - 2021
UA Emirates 46.49 4 2000 - 2021
Morocco 40.3 5 2000 - 2021
Kuwait 40.06 6 2000 - 2021
Oman 32.99 7 2000 - 2021
Bahrain 28.88 8 2000 - 2021
Jordan 25.32 9 2000 - 2021
Saudi Arabia 25.18 10 2000 - 2021
Egypt 21.82 11 2000 - 2021
Qatar 19.99 12 2000 - 2021

Definition: Bank’s income that has been generated by noninterest related activities as a percentage of total income (net-interest income plus noninterest income). Noninterest related income includes net gains on trading and derivatives, net gains on other securities, net fees and commissions and other operating income. The number is only calculated when net-interest income is not negative. Note that banks used in the calculation might differ between indicators. Calculated from underlying bank-by-bank unconsolidated data from Bankscope.

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