* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Armed forces personnel, 2020:

The average for 2020 based on 17 countries was 120824 people. The highest value was in the USA: 1395000 people and the lowest value was in Antigua and Barbuda: 0 people. The indicator is available from 1985 to 2020. Below is a chart for all countries where data are available.

Measure: people; Source: International Institute for Strategic Studies
Select indicator
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Countries Armed forces, 2020 Global rank Available data
USA 1395000 1 1985 - 2020
Mexico 341000 2 1985 - 2020
Canada 72000 3 1985 - 2020
Domin. Rep. 71000 4 1985 - 2020
Guatemala 43000 5 1985 - 2020
El Salvador 42000 6 1985 - 2020
Panama 28000 7 1985 - 2020
Honduras 23000 8 1985 - 2020
Nicaragua 12000 9 1985 - 2020
Costa Rica 10000 10 1985 - 2020
Jamaica 6000 11 1985 - 2020
Tr.&Tobago 5000 12 1985 - 2020
Bahamas 2000 13 1985 - 2020
Belize 2000 14 1985 - 2020
Barbados 1000 15 1985 - 2020
Haiti 1000 16 1985 - 2020
Ant.& Barb. 0 17 1985 - 2020

Definition: Armed forces personnel are active duty military personnel, including paramilitary forces if the training, organization, equipment, and control suggest they may be used to support or replace regular military forces.

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