* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Primary school enrollment, percent of all eligible children, 2022:

The average for 2022 based on 10 countries was 103.09 percent. The highest value was in Vietnam: 123.13 percent and the lowest value was in the Philippines: 91.87 percent. The indicator is available from 1970 to 2023. Below is a chart for all countries where data are available.

Measure: percent; Source: UNESCO
Select indicator
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Countries Primary school enrollment, 2022 Global rank Available data
Vietnam 123.13 1 1976 - 2023
India 111.08 2 1971 - 2023
Cambodia 109.96 3 1971 - 2023
Thailand 105.1 4 1971 - 2023
Indonesia 100.64 5 1970 - 2023
Singapore 99.58 6 2010 - 2022
Malaysia 97.76 7 1970 - 2023
Laos 97.22 8 1971 - 2023
Brunei 94.56 9 1970 - 2023
Philippines 91.87 10 1971 - 2023

Definition: Gross enrollment ratio is the ratio of total enrollment, regardless of age, to the population of the age group that officially corresponds to the level of education shown. Primary education provides children with basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills along with an elementary understanding of such subjects as history, geography, natural science, social science, art, and music.

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