* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

GDP per capita, Purchasing Power Parity, 2023:

The average for 2023 based on 46 countries was 6082 U.S. dollars. The highest value was in the Seychelles: 29469 U.S. dollars and the lowest value was in Burundi: 857 U.S. dollars. The indicator is available from 1990 to 2023. Below is a chart for all countries where data are available.

Measure: U.S. dollars; Source: The World Bank
Select indicator
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Countries GDP per capita, PPP, 2023 Global rank Available data
Seychelles 29469 1 1990 - 2023
Mauritius 26589 2 1990 - 2023
Gabon 19782 3 1990 - 2023
Botswana 17471 4 1990 - 2023
Eq. Guinea 16877 5 1990 - 2023
South Africa 14284 6 1990 - 2023
Namibia 11498 7 1990 - 2023
Swaziland 10583 8 1990 - 2023
Cape Verde 8190 9 1990 - 2023
Angola 7247 10 1990 - 2023
Ivory Coast 7022 11 1990 - 2023
Ghana 6730 12 1990 - 2023
Mauritania 6250 13 1990 - 2023
R. of Congo 6249 14 1990 - 2023
Kenya 5700 15 1990 - 2023
Nigeria 5695 16 1990 - 2023
S.T.&Principe 5466 17 1990 - 2023
Cameroon 4849 18 1990 - 2023
Senegal 4356 19 1990 - 2023
Guinea 3992 20 1990 - 2023
Benin 3829 21 1990 - 2023
Zambia 3719 22 1990 - 2023
Tanzania 3581 23 1990 - 2023
Zimbabwe 3515 24 1990 - 2023
Comoros 3475 25 1990 - 2023
Rwanda 3030 26 1990 - 2023
Gambia 2851 27 1990 - 2023
Togo 2844 28 1990 - 2023
Sudan 2828 29 1990 - 2023
Ethiopia 2803 30 1990 - 2023
Uganda 2793 31 1990 - 2023
Lesotho 2518 32 1990 - 2023
Burkina Faso 2458 33 1990 - 2023
Mali 2457 34 1990 - 2023
G.-Bissau 2371 35 1990 - 2023
Chad 1775 36 1990 - 2023
Madagascar 1690 37 1990 - 2023
Malawi 1683 38 1990 - 2023
Sierra Leone 1665 39 1990 - 2023
Liberia 1640 40 1990 - 2023
Niger 1638 41 1990 - 2023
DR Congo 1506 42 1990 - 2023
Mozambique 1494 43 1990 - 2023
Somalia 1452 44 1991 - 2023
C.A. Republic 1019 45 1990 - 2023
Burundi 857 46 1990 - 2023

Definition: GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP). PPP GDP is gross domestic product converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as the U.S. dollar has in the United States. GDP at purchaser's prices is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. Data are in constant 2011 international dollars.
Is the world income inequality getting smaller?

If poor countries grow faster than rich countries, over time they will catch up in terms of their level of income measured by GDP per capita in PPP terms. This process is called income convergence. Alternatively, incomes would diverge if the rich countries grow more rapidly than poor countries. If economic growth is the same everywhere, then the differences in income across countries would remain the same. There are two main reasons for why incomes across countries might converge over time.

Technology spillover. One reason is that innovations and technologies that are developed in the rich countries soon become available in the poor countries. That happens, for example, through foreign direct investment as companies from the rich countries bring new technologies to the poor countries. When the same technology is available everywhere, then incomes would also tend to become equal over time because technology is an important ingredient of economic development.

Based on that argument, incomes would converge faster if a poor country is ready to use the advanced technology. If it has an educated work force and stable political and economic conditions, the technological spillover is more likely to occur. Conversely, if its education system and institutions are not well developed, the new technology cannot be adopted. The income of the country will lag behind the income of countries with better education and institutions.

Diminishing returns. The second reason is that investments in the rich countries are less profitable than investments in the poor countries. Think of it as follows. If an accounting firm (in a rich country) has 10 computers, one more computer will make little difference. If an accounting firm (in a poor country) has no computers at all, then buying one computer would make a big difference. The investment in that first computer would pay off handsomely. Therefore, international investment would flow primarily from the rich countries to the poor countries where profits are greater. This inflow of investment will make poor countries richer.

However, returns could also be increasing, instead of diminishing. In the example above, if the firm has many computers and much experience using them, an additional computer will be put to good use. If it has only one computer, then it may not know what to do with it. In that version of the story, adding investments to already rich firms or countries is more profitable. Then, investment flows to them and makes them even richer. Incomes around the world diverge instead of converging.

What is the evidence? There is income convergence across countries that are already fairly affluent. For example, incomes have converged significantly in the European Union and other rich countries in North America and elsewhere. Looking more broadly, there is no evidence that the incomes of poor countries in Africa, Latin America and elsewhere have gained relative to the rich countries. In fact, when it comes to the poorest countries, there has even been some income divergence.

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