* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Carbon dioxide emissions, thousands of tonnes, 2020:

The average for 2020 based on 43 countries was 120524 kt. The highest value was in Russia: 1618271 kt and the lowest value was in Liechtenstein: 142 kt. The indicator is available from 1990 to 2020. Below is a chart for all countries where data are available.

Measure: kt; Source: The World Bank
Select indicator
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Countries Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, 2020 Global rank Available data
Russia 1618271 1 1990 - 2020
Germany 603351 2 1990 - 2020
Turkey 407406 3 1990 - 2020
UK 308650 4 1990 - 2020
Italy 281287 5 1990 - 2020
Poland 279224 6 1990 - 2020
France 267155 7 1990 - 2020
Spain 202706 8 1990 - 2020
Ukraine 165664 9 1990 - 2020
Netherlands 130315 10 1990 - 2020
Czechia 88835 11 1990 - 2020
Belgium 85364 12 1990 - 2020
Romania 68664 13 1990 - 2020
Austria 59142 14 1990 - 2020
Belarus 54802 15 1990 - 2020
Greece 51002 16 1990 - 2020
Serbia 46324 17 1990 - 2020
Hungary 44769 18 1990 - 2020
Portugal 38974 19 1990 - 2020
Finland 36330 20 1990 - 2020
Norway 36177 21 1990 - 2020
Switzerland 34916 22 1990 - 2020
Bulgaria 34138 23 1990 - 2020
Ireland 33742 24 1990 - 2020
Sweden 33576 25 1990 - 2020
Slovakia 29036 26 1990 - 2020
Denmark 27357 27 1990 - 2020
Bosnia & Herz. 20947 28 1990 - 2020
Croatia 15627 29 1990 - 2020
Slovenia 12477 30 1990 - 2020
Lithuania 11694 31 1990 - 2020
Moldova 8611 32 1990 - 2020
Luxembourg 7853 33 1990 - 2020
Estonia 7098 34 1990 - 2020
Latvia 6928 35 1990 - 2020
North Macedonia 6797 36 1990 - 2020
Cyprus 6772 37 1990 - 2020
Albania 4383 38 1990 - 2020
Montenegro 2527 39 1990 - 2020
Malta 1611 40 1990 - 2020
Iceland 1447 41 1990 - 2020
Andorra 449 42 1990 - 2020
Liechtenstein 142 43 1990 - 2020

Definition: Carbon dioxide emissions are those stemming from the burning of fossil fuels and the manufacture of cement. They include carbon dioxide produced during consumption of solid, liquid, and gas fuels and gas flaring.

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