GDP and economic growth
Economic growth
GDP, constant dollars
GDP, current U.S. dollars
GDP per capita, current dollars
GDP per capita, PPP
GDP per capita, constant dollars
Consumption and investment
Capital investment, percent of GDP
Capital investment, in dollars
Household consumption, percent of GDP
Household consumption, in dollars
Exchange rate regimes
USD exchange rate *
International trade and investment
Trade openness
Financial openness
Exports, percent of GDP
Exports, billion dollars
Growth of exports
Imports, percent of GDP
Imports, billion dollars
Portfolio investment inflows, equities
Current account, percent of GDP
Current account, in dollars
Trade balance, percent of GDP
Trade balance, in dollars
Remittances, percent of GDP
Net errors and omissions
Government spending, percent of GDP
Government spending, in dollars
Fiscal balance, percent of GDP
Government debt
Sovereign credit ratings *
Tax revenue
Commercial tax rate
Tax preparation time
Number of taxes
Taxes on goods and services
Taxes on international trade
Income and profits taxes
Forecast from the IMF
Economic growth forecast
Investment forecast
Inflation forecast
Unemployment rate forecast
Current account forecast
Governance and business environment
Rule of law
Government effectiveness
Control of corruption
Regulatory quality
Voice and accountability
Political stability
Political rights
Civil liberties
Cost of starting a business
Infrastructure and transport characteristics
Internet users
Internet subscribers
Internet subscribers, per 100 people
Mobile phone subscribers
Mobile phone subscribers, per 100 people
Energy and environment
Natural resources income
Access to electricity
Agriculture sector
Forest area, percent
Percent agricultural land
GDP share of agriculture
Agriculture value added
Agricultural land
Arable land, percent of land area
Fertilizer use
Forest area,
Banking system access and depth
ATMs per 100,000 adults
Bank accounts per 1000 adults
Bank branches per 100,000 people
Liquid liabilities, percent of GDP
Bank assets to GDP
Financial system deposits, percent of GDP
Banking system concentration
Banking system efficiency and stability
Bank cost to income ratio
Non-performing loans
Bank overhead cost
Net interest margin
Bank credit to deposits
Return on assets
Return on equity
Banking system z-scores
Liquid assets to deposits
Non-interest income to total income
Lending interest rate
Real interest rate
Legal rights
Credit information sharing
Innovation measures
Patent applications by residents
Population size
Percent urban population
Population density
Population ages 65 and above
Percent children
Percent female population
Rural population, percent
Age dependency ratio
Migrant population
Population growth
Health spending and outcomes
Health spending per capita
Health spending as percent of GDP
Birth rate
Death rate
Fertility rate
Diabetes prevalence
Prevalence of anemia among children
DPT immunization rate
Hepatitis B immunization rate
Measles immunization rate
Traffic accident deaths
Covid pandemic
Covid new cases *
Covid new cases per million *
Covid total cases *
Covid total cases per million people *
Covid new vaccinations *
Covid total vaccinations *
Total vaccinations per hundred people *
People vaccinated against Covid *
Covid vaccinated people per hundred people *
People fully vaccinated against Covid *
Covid fully vaccinated people per hundred people *
Covid new deaths *
Covid new deaths per million *
Covid total deaths *
Covid total deaths per million *
Covid reproduction rate *
Stringency Index *
Child and maternal mortality
Neonatal mortality
Infant mortality
Child mortality
Child mortality, female
Child mortality, male
Older child mortality rate
Education spending and outcomes
Education spending, percent of GDP
Education spending, percent of government spending
Literacy rate
Female literacy rate, ages 15-24
Male literacy rate, ages 15-24
Youth literacy rate, ages 15-24
Student teacher ratio, primary school
Primary school completion rate
School starting age, primary school
Female to male ratio, primary school pupils
Female to male ratio, secondary school students
Female to male ratio, students at tertiary level education
Preprimary school enrollment
Primary school enrollment
Secondary school enrollment
Tertiary school enrollment
Trained teachers in primary education
Globalization indexes
Overall globalization
Political globalization
Social globalization
Shares of world totals
Percent of world population
Percent of world GDP
Percent of world exports
Percent of world imports
Economic structure
Share of industry
Share of manufacturing
Share of services
Industry value added
Manufacturing value added
Services value added
Savings, percent of GDP
Savings, in dollars
Tourist arrivals
Percent of world tourist arrivals
Crime statistics
Imprisonment rate
Homicide rate
Other indicators
Human development
Women in parliament
Land area