USD exchange rate *
Fiscal balance, percent of GDP
Sovereign credit ratings *
Governance and business environment
Corruption perceptions - Transparency International
Political rights
Civil liberties
Political system
Electoral democracy index
Liberal democracy index
Participatory democracy index
Deliberative democracy index
Egalitarian democracy index
Government accountability
Freedom of expression
Political corruption
Women political empowerment
Academic freedom
Clean elections index
Judicial constraints on executive
Legislative constraints on executive
Civil society participation index
Direct popular vote index
Equal protection index
Parliamentary elections
Infrastructure and transport characteristics
Passenger car sales
Commercial vehicle sales
Industry: Oil, coal, and electricity
Oil reserves
Oil production
Oil consumption
Diesel and heating oil consumption
Gasoline production
Gasoline consumption
LPG production
LPG consumption
Jet fuel production
Jet fuel consumption
Coal reserves
Coal production
Coal consumption
Coal imports
Coal exports
Electricity production capacity
Electricity production
Electricity consumption
Electricity imports
Electricity exports
Renewable power capacity
Renewable power generation
Energy mix
Fossil fuels electricity capacity
Fossil fuels electricity generation
Wind electricity capacity
Wind electricity generation
Solar electricity capacity
Solar electricity generation
Hydroelectricity capacity
Hydroelectricity generation
Nuclear electricity capacity
Nuclear power generation
Geothermal electricity capacity
Geothermal electricity generation
Economic freedom indexes
Property rights
Freedom from corruption
Fiscal freedom
Business freedom
Labor freedom
Monetary freedom
Trade freedom
Investment freedom
Financial freedom
Economic freedom, overall index
Covid pandemic
Covid new cases *
Covid new cases per million *
Covid total cases *
Covid total cases per million people *
Covid new tests *
Covid new tests per thousand *
Covid total tests *
Covid total tests per thousand *
Covid new vaccinations *
Covid total vaccinations *
Total vaccinations per hundred people *
People vaccinated against Covid *
Covid vaccinated people per hundred people *
People fully vaccinated against Covid *
Covid fully vaccinated people per hundred people *
Covid new deaths *
Covid new deaths per million *
Covid total deaths *
Covid total deaths per million *
Covid reproduction rate *
Stringency Index *
Covid positive rate *
Globalization indexes
Overall globalization
Political globalization
Social globalization
Shares of world totals
Percent of world oil reserves
Gold production
Copper production
Zinc production
Cobalt production
Crime statistics
Imprisonment rate
Homicide rate
Religious composition of the population
Percent Muslim
Percent Christian
Percent Catholic
Percent Protestant
Percent Non Religious
Fragile state index
Fragile state index
Security threats index
Factionalized elites index
Group grievance index
Economic decline index
Uneven economic development
Human flight and brain drain
State legitimacy index
Public services index
Human rights and rule of law index
Demographic pressures index
Refugees and displaced persons index
External interventions index
Other indicators
Human development