Sierra Leone: Arms imports

* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
 Sierra Leone

Arms imports, million constant U.S. dollars

 Latest value 2.00
 Year 2016
 Measure dollars
 Data availability 1973 - 2016
 Average 8.89
 Min - Max 0.00 - 42.00
 Source Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
The latest value from 2016 is 2 dollars, an increase from 1 dollars in 2015. In comparison, the world average is 254.45 dollars, based on data from 122 countries. Historically, the average for Sierra Leone from 1973 to 2016 is 8.89 dollars. The minimum value, 0 dollars, was reached in 2012 while the maximum of 42 dollars was recorded in 1980. See the global rankings for that indicator or use the country comparator to compare trends over time.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Recent data
Sierra Leone - Arms imports - Recent values chart

Historical series
Sierra Leone - Arms imports - historical chart - 1973-2016

Definition: Arms transfers cover the supply of military weapons through sales, aid, gifts, and those made through manufacturing licenses. Data cover major conventional weapons such as aircraft, armored vehicles, artillery, radar systems, missiles, and ships designed for military use. Excluded are transfers of other military equipment such as small arms and light weapons, trucks, small artillery, ammunition, support equipment, technology transfers, and other services. Figures are SIPRI Trend Indicator Values (TIVs) expressed in US$ m. A '0' indicates that the value of deliveries is less than US$0.5m.

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