Sao Tome and Principe: USD exchange rate
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
The currency chart for Sao Tome and Principe shows historical data for the S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD exchange rate.
These are monthly averages and not end-of-month currency values.
An increase means depreciation against the USD as one can exchange more S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD.
Depreciation implies that goods from Sao Tome and Principe become cheaper to export and it becomes cheaper for foreigners to visit Sao Tome and Principe.
The series for Sao Tome and Principe are available from October 2013 to June 2018. For that period, the average exchange rate for Sao Tome and Principe was 20820.7557 S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD with a minimum of 17748.0176 S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD in March 2014 and a maximum of 23285.8447 S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD in December 2016. The most recent available data point is 20000.0005 S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD, a change of 0% from the previous data point of 20000.0005 S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD and a change of -8.51% from a year ago when the level was 21859.146 S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD.
Currency values in Sao Tome and Principe and elsewhere have different driving forces over the short-run and the long-run. Countries may have fixed or floating exchange rate regimes or be part of monetary unions. They may experience currency crises. These and other issues are discussed in detail on our Exchange rate page.
The series for Sao Tome and Principe are available from October 2013 to June 2018. For that period, the average exchange rate for Sao Tome and Principe was 20820.7557 S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD with a minimum of 17748.0176 S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD in March 2014 and a maximum of 23285.8447 S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD in December 2016. The most recent available data point is 20000.0005 S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD, a change of 0% from the previous data point of 20000.0005 S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD and a change of -8.51% from a year ago when the level was 21859.146 S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD.
Currency values in Sao Tome and Principe and elsewhere have different driving forces over the short-run and the long-run. Countries may have fixed or floating exchange rate regimes or be part of monetary unions. They may experience currency crises. These and other issues are discussed in detail on our Exchange rate page.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
- Measure: S.T.&Principe Dobras per USD
- Source: Google Finance
Recent values | Sao Tome and Principe: USD Exchange rate |
2018  Jun | 20000.0005 |
2018  May | 20000.0005 |
2018  Apr | 20000.0005 |
2018  Mar | 20000.0005 |
2018  Feb | 20000.0005 |
2018  Jan | 20000.0005 |
2017  Dec | 20124.2839 |
2017  Nov | 20835.6061 |
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Definition: The amount of local currency units that can be exchanged for one USD. An increase (decrease) means USD appreciation (depreciation). The values are monthly averages of the daily exchange rates provided by Google Finance.
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