Oman: Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
The most recent value is 10.44 billion Rial Omani as of Q1 2024, an increase compared to the previous value of 10.42 billion Rial Omani. Historically, the average for Oman from Q1 2008 to Q1 2024 is 7.39 billion Rial Omani. The minimum of 4.04 billion Rial Omani was recorded in Q1 2009, while the maximum of 11.79 billion Rial Omani was reached in Q3 2022. Click on the following link to see the values of: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) around the world.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

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Recent values Oman: GDP, billion currency units
2024  Q1 10.44
2023  Q4 10.42
2023  Q3 11.02
2023  Q2 10.09
2023  Q1 10.31
2022  Q4 9.08
2022  Q3 11.79
2022  Q2 11.15

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Definition: The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the sum of the gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. The data are in billion local currency units using current prices.

 Related indicators Latest Reference Measure
 Economic growth 1.31 2023 percent
 GDP, constant dollars 87.4 2023 billion U.S. dollars
 GDP, current U.S. dollars 108.81 2023 billion U.S. dollars
 GDP per capita, current dollars 21,549.84 2023 U.S. dollars
 GDP per capita, PPP 38,311 2023 U.S. dollars
 GDP per capita, constant dollars 18,821.98 2023 U.S. dollars
 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 10.44 Q1/2024 billion
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