Lesotho: Credit information sharing

* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Credit information sharing index, 0 (low) - 8 (high)

 Latest value 6.00
 Year 2019
 Measure points
 Data availability 2013 - 2019
 Average 3.29
 Min - Max 0.00 - 6.00
 Source The World Bank
The latest value from 2019 is 6 points, unchanged from 6 points in 2018. In comparison, the world average is 5.27 points, based on data from 185 countries. Historically, the average for Lesotho from 2013 to 2019 is 3.29 points. The minimum value, 0 points, was reached in 2013 while the maximum of 6 points was recorded in 2017. See the global rankings for that indicator or use the country comparator to compare trends over time.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

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Lesotho - Credit information sharing - Recent values chart

When banks in Lesotho make lending decisions, it is useful to know if the borrower has loans from other banks, has he/she paid on time, etc. The credit information index shows whether banks share such information with each other. The index for Lesotho ranges from 0 (no sharing) to 6 (high degree of sharing.
Definition: Depth of credit information index measures rules affecting the scope, accessibility, and quality of credit information available through public or private credit registries. The index ranges from 0 to 8, with higher values indicating the availability of more credit information, from either a public registry or a private bureau, to facilitate lending decisions.

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