Laos: People fully vaccinated against Covid
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
The most recent value is 5222417 total fully-vaccinated people as of August 2022, an increase compared to the previous value of 5076787 total fully-vaccinated people. Historically, the average for Laos from April 2021 to August 2022 is 2956723 total fully-vaccinated people. The minimum of 58315 total fully-vaccinated people was recorded in April 2021, while the maximum of 5222417 total fully-vaccinated people was reached in August 2022.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
- Measure: total fully-vaccinated people
- Source: Our World in Data
Recent values | Laos: Total fully vaccinated people against Covid |
2022  Aug | 5222417 |
2022  Jun | 5076787 |
2022  May | 5052438 |
2022  Apr | 4828012 |
2022  Mar | 4475255 |
2022  Feb | 4306114 |
2022  Jan | 3835288 |
2021  Nov | 3099003 |
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Definition: Total fully-vaccinated people against Covid.
Related indicators | Latest | Reference | Measure |
Covid new cases | 20 | 3/2023 | new Covid cases |
Covid new cases per million | 3 | 3/2023 | new Covid cases per million people |
Covid total cases | 218,035 | 3/2023 | total Covid cases |
Covid total cases per million people | 28,958 | 3/2023 | cases per million |
Covid new tests | 17,340 | 6/2022 | new Covid tests |
Covid new tests per thousand | 2 | 6/2022 | new Covid tests per thousand people |
Covid total tests | 1,030,237 | 6/2022 | total Covid tests |
Covid total tests per thousand | 139 | 6/2022 | total tests per thousand people |
Covid new vaccinations | 359,693 | 5/2022 | new Covid vaccinations |
Covid total vaccinations | 11,100,000 | 8/2022 | total Covid vaccinations |
Total vaccinations per hundred people | 147.57 | 8/2022 | Covid vaccinations per hundred people |
People vaccinated against Covid | 5,888,649 | 8/2022 | total people vaccinated |
Covid vaccinated people per hundred people | 78.21 | 8/2022 | Covid vaccinated people per hundred people |
People fully vaccinated against Covid | 5,222,417 | 8/2022 | total fully-vaccinated people |
Covid fully vaccinated people per hundred people | 69.36 | 8/2022 | Covid fully vaccinated people per hundred people |
Covid new deaths | 0 | 3/2023 | new deaths from Covid |
Covid new deaths per million | 0 | 3/2023 | new Covid deaths per million people |
Covid total deaths | 758 | 3/2023 | total Covid deaths |
Covid total deaths per million | 101 | 3/2023 | total Covid deaths |
Covid reproduction rate | 0.55 | 1/2023 | rate |
Stringency Index | 30 | 12/2022 | index |
Covid positive rate | 0.15 | 6/2022 | rate |