Iraq: Exchange rate regimes

* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Exchange rate regimes

 Latest value 3
 Year 2021
 Measure index points
 Data availability 2008 - 2021
 Average 4
 Min - Max 3 - 6
 Source International Monetary Fund
The latest value from 2021 is 3 index points, unchanged from 3 index points in 2020. In comparison, the world average is 5 index points, based on data from 186 countries. Historically, the average for Iraq from 2008 to 2021 is 4 index points. The minimum value, 3 index points, was reached in 2014 while the maximum of 6 index points was recorded in 2009. See the global rankings for that indicator or use the country comparator to compare trends over time.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Recent data
Iraq - Exchange rate regimes - Recent values chart

Historical series
Iraq - Exchange rate regimes - historical chart - 2008-2021

Definition: The data are from the IMF Annual Reports on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions. A higher value of the index indicates more exchange rate flexibility: 1 = the country has no independent legal tender; 2 = currency board; 3 = conventional peg; 4 = target zone; 5 = crawling peg; 6 = other managed exchange rate regimes; 7 = floating regime. The IMF categorization does not include currency unions. Instead, it assigns to the member country the regime of the union it is a part of. For example, all EMU members are assigned a floating exchange rate regime. The data begin with the latest change of the IMF categorization in 2008.

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