Iran: Government expenditure
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
The most recent value is 1342516.63 billion Iranian Rial as of Q3 2020, no change compared to the previous value of 1342516.63 billion Iranian Rial. Historically, the average for Iran from Q2 2011 to Q3 2020 is 627783.65 billion Iranian Rial. The minimum of 334677.38 billion Iranian Rial was recorded in Q2 2011, while the maximum of 1342516.63 billion Iranian Rial was reached in Q2 2020.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
- Measure: billion Iranian Rial
- Source: Statistical Center of Iran
Recent values | Iran: Government expenditure, billion currency units |
2020  Q3 | 1342516.63 |
2020  Q2 | 1342516.63 |
2020  Q1 | 1007378.95 |
2019  Q4 | 1007378.95 |
2019  Q3 | 1007378.95 |
2019  Q2 | 1007378.95 |
2019  Q1 | 812148.67 |
2018  Q4 | 812148.67 |
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Definition: Total spending by all levels of government but excluding public enterprises.
Related indicators | Latest | Reference | Measure |
Government spending, percent of GDP | 13.21 | 2023 | percent |
Government spending, in dollars | 52.11 | 2023 | billion U.S. dollars |
Fiscal balance, percent of GDP | -2.81 | 2022 | percent |
Government debt | 36.93 | 2022 | percent |
Government expenditure | 1,342,516.63 | Q3/2020 | billion |
Tax revenue | 7.36 | 2009 | percent |
Commercial tax rate | 44.70 | 2019 | percent |
Tax preparation time | 216 | 2019 | hours |
Number of taxes | 20 | 2019 | taxes |
Taxes on goods and services | 3.52 | 2009 | percent |
Taxes on international trade | 6.00 | 2009 | percent |
Income and profits taxes | 19.35 | 2009 | percent |
Foreign aid | 289.59 | 2022 | million U.S. dollars |