Guinea-Bissau: Covid total tests

* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
The most recent value is 142948 total Covid tests as of June 2022, an increase compared to the previous value of 138599 total Covid tests. Historically, the average for Guinea-Bissau from March 2022 to June 2022 is 135865 total Covid tests. The minimum of 128552 total Covid tests was recorded in March 2022, while the maximum of 142948 total Covid tests was reached in June 2022. Click on the following link to see the values of: Covid total tests around the world.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

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  • Measure: total Covid tests
  • Source: Our World in Data

Recent values Guinea-Bissau: Total Covid tests, end of month
2022  Jun 142948
2022  May 138599
2022  Apr 133360
2022  Mar 128552

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Definition: Total tests for Covid at the end of month.

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