Djibouti: Current account, percent of GDP

* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Current account balance as percent of GDP

 Latest value 21.20
 Year 2023
 Measure percent
 Data availability 1991 - 2023
 Average 17.06
 Min - Max -33.36 - 51.54
 Source African Development Bank
The latest value from 2023 is 21.2 percent, an increase from 17.9 percent in 2022. In comparison, the world average is -2.26 percent, based on data from 108 countries. Historically, the average for Djibouti from 1991 to 2023 is 17.06 percent. The minimum value, -33.36 percent, was reached in 2008 while the maximum of 51.54 percent was recorded in 2002. See the global rankings for that indicator or use the country comparator to compare trends over time.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

Recent data
Djibouti - Current account, percent of GDP - Recent values chart

Historical series
Djibouti - Current account, percent of GDP - historical chart - 1991-2023

The current account of Djibouti and other countries has three components: 1) the exports of goods and services minus the imports of goods and services; 2) the difference of incomes that countries pay to each other; and 3) the difference in transfers that countries make to each other. Current account deficits are reported with a minus sign and surpluses are reported with a plus sign.

A current account deficit means that the country needs to find financing for its imports. The foreign currencies it receives from selling products abroad are not enough to pay for the products it wants to buy from other countries. The needed amounts of foreign currencies can be obtained by, for example, borrowing. For instance, in the last several years the U.S. has been borrowing money from China in order to buy Chinese products.

This is not necessarily a problem. The current account deficit starts to be a problem if it exceeds 3-4 percent of GDP for many years. Over that time, the country accumulates a significant amount of foreign debt that eventually has to be repaid.
Definition: Current account balance is the sum of net exports of goods and services, net primary income, and net secondary income.

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 Remittances 57.95 2023 million U.S. dollars
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