Croatia: Covid new deaths per million

* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
The most recent value is 18 new Covid deaths per million people as of March 2023, a decline compared to the previous value of 25 new Covid deaths per million people. Historically, the average for Croatia from February 2020 to March 2023 is 118 new Covid deaths per million people. The minimum of 0 new Covid deaths per million people was recorded in February 2020, while the maximum of 533 new Covid deaths per million people was reached in December 2020. Click on the following link to see the values of: Covid new deaths per million around the world.
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* indicates monthly or quarterly data series

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  • Measure: new Covid deaths per million people
  • Source: OurWorldInData

Recent values Croatia: New Covid deaths per million people
2023  Mar 18
2023  Feb 25
2023  Jan 71
2022  Dec 67
2022  Nov 44
2022  Oct 58
2022  Sep 53
2022  Aug 96

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Definition: New confirmed deaths from Covid per million people during a month.

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