Belarus: Government debt
* indicates monthly or quarterly data series
Belarus |
Government debt as percent of GDP |
Latest value | 41.30 |
Year | 2022 |
Measure | percent |
Data availability | 2004 - 2022 |
Average | 36.00 |
Min - Max | 8.11 - 58.22 |
Source | International Monetary Fund (IMF) |
The latest value from 2022 is 41.3 percent, an increase from 41.18 percent in 2021. In comparison, the world average is 60.01 percent, based on data from 174 countries. Historically, the average for Belarus from 2004 to 2022 is 36 percent. The minimum value, 8.11 percent, was reached in 2005 while the maximum of 58.22 percent was recorded in 2011.
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The government debt in Belarus and other countries is calculated as the total amount owed by the national government to domestic and international lenders. It is reported as percent of GDP so that we can evaluate its magnitude relative to the size of the economy.
Government debt of about 60 percent or less of GDP is not considered a problem. The government can make payments without strain and even has some room to borrow more. If debt levels reach 80-90 percent that may have negative effects on the economy. Debt above 120 percent of GDP is quite detrimental.
Government debt of about 60 percent or less of GDP is not considered a problem. The government can make payments without strain and even has some room to borrow more. If debt levels reach 80-90 percent that may have negative effects on the economy. Debt above 120 percent of GDP is quite detrimental.
Definition: Debt is the entire stock of direct government fixed-term contractual obligations to others outstanding on a particular date. It includes domestic and foreign liabilities such as currency and money deposits, securities other than shares, and loans. It is the gross amount of government liabilities reduced by the amount of equity and financial derivatives held by the government. Because debt is a stock rather than a flow, it is measured as of a given date, usually the last day of the fiscal year.
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Related indicators | Latest | Reference | Measure |
Government spending, percent of GDP | 18.06 | 2023 | percent |
Government spending, in dollars | 12.97 | 2023 | billion U.S. dollars |
Fiscal balance, percent of GDP | -2.07 | 2022 | percent |
Government debt | 41.30 | 2022 | percent |
Government expenditure | 10.98 | Q3/2024 | billion |
Tax revenue | 11.23 | 2022 | percent |
Commercial tax rate | 53.30 | 2019 | percent |
Tax preparation time | 170 | 2019 | hours |
Number of taxes | 7 | 2019 | taxes |
Taxes on goods and services | 48.65 | 2022 | percent |
Taxes on international trade | 12.16 | 2022 | percent |
Income and profits taxes | 5.72 | 2022 | percent |
Foreign aid | 16.31 | 2022 | million U.S. dollars |